Bahasa Inggrisnya Skripsi Apa Ya

contoh diskripsi tentang B.J.HABIBIE dalam bentuk diskripsi bahasa inggris

genius , polite , friendly , and fun

contoh diskripsi tentang B.J.HABIBIE dalam bentuk diskripsi bahasa inggris

B.J. Habibie is a smart person in Indonesia . He is a former president and vice president in Indonesia . He He is very loving his wife . He is very friendly to everyone . he have hobby flying a toy plane (aeromodelling) various types. His favorite food is the cuisine of West Sumatra. he is very humble .

Tolong buat diskripsi tentang orang senang dalam bahasa Inggris ya!

Tolong buat diskripsi tentang orang senang dalam bahasa Inggris ya! Look at his expression. We can clearly see his eye open so widely. wich means he had a great time, maybe. And look at his mouth, he has a big smiley face. We know he feels excited!

maaf kalo salah ya

 diskripsi tentang buaya dalam bahasa inggris ! tolong buatkan ya 

it has big body
it has little sharp tooth
it has slanted eyes
it has long tail
it lives in the water and land

macam-macam profesi dan diskripsikan dengan bahasa inggris dan artinya? pls bantu ya!

doctor = dokter
nurse = perawat
pilot : pilot
sailor = pelaut
teacher = guru
lecture = dosen
farmer : petani
fisherman : nelayan
singer = penyanyi
dentist = dokter gigi

Read also  Sekolah Tk Bahasa Inggrisnya

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